What we base our work on


As we write this there are over 155 peer reviewed studies, 51 of which are randomized controlled trials (RCT), on different Tapping modalities. This provides an evidential base for evaluating the claims and criticisms surrounding these approaches.

Clinical psychologist David Feinstein’s review “Energy Psychology: Efficacy, Speed, Mechanisms” concludes a growing body of evidence indicating that these interventions are rapid and effective in producing beneficial outcomes in the treatment of anxiety, depression, PTSD, and possibly other conditions. This is considered a good evidential base.


Here is a selection from the over 155 peer reviewed studies that exist that we find useful on techniques like Tapping, Havening and trauma. If you find one is missing let us know and we will add it. info@peacefulherart.se


Science Data and Research

This is a great summary of current research from The Tapping Solution.

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Our study of Learnings from Läklabbet

Learning from Läklabbet: An integrative transdisciplinary eco therapeutic treatment approach designed to promote resource capacity in people recovering from chronic ill health.

Our Study on Trauma Tapping

In this study 287 practitioners completed two 90-minute training sessions, and conducted six sessions with clients in a certification program. The practitioners conducted 1722 individual sessions with clients ranging from seven to 93 years.  Results were assessed using a SUD (Subjective Units of Distress) scale.  The within group mean (average) pre intervention was 7.69, and the mean post intervention was 2.5.  These results were statistically significant, p<.001. Emerging themes were displayed in a word cloud.

Our study on traumatized youth

Here are the learnings from our study on a three week model for Trauma Tapping in a group of liberated child soldiers and other traumatized youths in DR Congo together with Dr Peta Stapleton.

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The last Wednesday of each month we usually do an online training where you can learn the basics of the techniques and get mentoring.


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